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- Bus & other Rolling Stock
Factsheets & Summaries
Tanzarella Elena
Junior Communication Officer
SUMP summary -Yaoundé
Following the current evolution of rapid urban growth, the population will reach 5.5 million inhabitants in 2035, and the urban area will reach a radius of 25 km by the end of the century. The increase in the demand for travel, and in the rate of motorisation accompanying the rise in income, may rapidly lead to the saturation of the existing system. Hence, travel times will increase significantly along with the overall cost of travel, due to the consumption of more fuel by private vehicles and taxis.
In a context of rapid economic and demographic growth, Yaoundé is tackling the most pressing issues and has adopted a coherent plan
to renovate the road network, a prerequisite for the development of public transport and for better use of public space.
To discover more on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of Yaoundé, download the SUMP summary below.