What is MobiliseYourCity?

Launched at COP21 in Paris in 2015, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership has established itself as the leading global Partnership of more than 100 partners for sustainable urban mobility planning (SUMPS* and NUMPS**), policy development, and increasing investment for sustainable transport in developing and emerging economies.

Today, the Partnership has 75 member cities with a combined population of over 130 million people in 34 countries, and we have 16 member countries.

Thanks to the generous contributions of the European Union (EU), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the French Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), as of December 2023, our Implementing Partners have raised 54.7 million euros in grants to support 32 SUMPs and 9 NUMPs.

Of the 21 SUMPs that have been completed, 6 were finalised in 2023, with 13 now in the implementation stage. Moreover, among the 6 completed NUMPs, 4 have transitioned into the implementation phase. Following our support, our member cities and countries have been able to leverage 1.75 billion euros for implementation.

The Partnership is implemented by AFD, GIZ, ADEME, Cerema, CODATU, EBRD, KFW, and Wuppertal Institute. Our Implementing Partners are working with cities and countries all over the world to develop scalable solutions to improve mobility in complex environments.

Paving the way through collaborative planning and action 

Our mission is to incubate scalable solutions, accelerate the adoption of proven approaches, and facilitate complex change processes to transform urban mobility. 

The Partnership is dedicated to enabling transformative change in urban mobility. By leveraging the unique core competencies of a wide range of organizations, we act as a knowledge hub and collaborate to generate solutions that exceed what we could do alone, helping make lasting positive change possible.

The Partnership was founded by Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Energie (ADEME), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Coopération pour le Développement et l’Amélioration des Transport Urbains et Périurbains (CODATU), Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement (Cerema) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. We are an international transport initiative under the UN Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action.

*SUMP is the acronym for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, click here for more information
**NUMP stands for Sustainable Urban Mobility Policies or Investment Programmes, click here for more information



How we support cities and countries

We support our members through four service areas:

Viewing things on a computer

Mobility planning

We support our member cities and countries to shift from road-centric transport planning to mobility planning that focuses on meeting the needs of all people while balancing the needs of our planet.

Implementation support

We offer targeted implementation support to bridge the implementation gap for small-scale and critical measures that is due to low local capacities to allocate finance and , generally, too small amounts to attract external financiers. We focus on three areas: walking and cycling, paratransit, and policy and regulatory reforms.

Supporting with knowledge
knowledge hub

Capacity building

To facilitate lasting change at a global level, we focus on developing, deploying and scaling tested solutions that lead to real results. The Partnership works as a knowledge hub to create, disseminate and scale knowledge. By bringing together global experts with local practitioners we can generate solutions that are ambitious, adaptable and achievable. Our partners work together to add value to each other’s contributions.


We inspire our members to take bold, ambitious actions toward decarbonized and just mobility systems, and we animate others to support them to do so. We gain their trust by collecting and communicating results that will improve the lives of their people.


Our Objectives

The MobiliseYourCity Partnership aims to empowers cities to improve urban mobility for their citizens and decarbonise transport to fight the global climate crisis.

Through the services we provide to our member cities and countries, our objectives are to:

  • Accelerate the transition to sustainable urban mobility in countries of the Global South by following the avoid-shift and improve paradigm: reducing unnecessary urban travel, encouraging the use of low-carbon and non-pollutant transport modes and stimulating the shift towards low-carbon vehicle technologies.
  • Foster more comprehensive, integrated and participatory urban mobility planning at both local & national levels through the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and National Urban Mobility Policies or Investment Programs (NUMPs).
  • Facilitate access to sustainable financing for large-scale mobility projects. We support the development of integrated, comprehensive policies and development plans for sector transformation with clear linkage to budgeting and financing concepts to increase chances of financing.
  • Close the investment gap for sustainable mobility. The MobiliseYourCity Partnership advocates for increased resources and action to support cities to decarbonise urban transport.

By assisting cities and countries in the planning and implementation of effective measures to decarbonize urban transport, the Partnership supports the goals set forth under the UNFCCC dialogue and many urban-related goals specified in the New Urban Agenda as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Read more about our impact here.

Our Charter

Acces our Charter here