A global partnership accelerating the transition to sustainable urban mobility
Cities, countries, implementing organisations and donors collaborating for a common mission
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Discover MobiliseYourCity's Tools, Methodologies and Training Materials
A comprehensive methodology that is accessible and easy to use by decision-makers, mobility practitioners, and development organisations
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Funded by the European Union, Germany and France, MobiliseYourCity aims to empower cities
By supporting mobility planning, project preparation, pilots, and capacity building
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About MobiliseYourCity

What is MobiliseYourCity?
Launched at COP21 in Paris, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership is a leading global Partnership for sustainable mobility of more than 100 partners, including 81 member cities and 16 member countries. It supports strategic, participatory planning and project preparation as a key instrument to enable countries and cities build sustainable urban mobility systems, and thereby green cities in the Global South.
Core Methodologies
We provide decision-makers and mobility practitioners in the Global South with a comprehensive methodology that highlights both the benefits and purposes of sustainable mobility planning and, most importantly, that guides them through a highly practical and tested planning process that is ready to be used in every context.
MobiliseYourCity methodology is openly accessible and easy to use and comprises a list of documents that provide concise information and guidance about mobility planning, MRV, emissions calculations and a lot more.

The MobiliseYourCity Partnership is jointly co-financed by the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), and the French Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE). The Partnership is implemented by AFD, GIZ, ADEME, Cerema, CODATU, EBRD, KFW, and Wuppertal Institute.
By leveraging the unique core competencies of a wide range of organizations, we act as a knowledge hub and collaborate to generate solutions that exceed what we could do alone, helping make lasting positive change possible.
Global Monitor 2024
Like every year, the Global Monitor 2024 is the perfect opportunity to take stock of our impact.
After the period of data collection and analysis, we can affirm that with 54.7 million euros in grants from our donors, we have been able to support the preparation of 32 SUMPs and 9 NUMPs. Out of the 21 completed SUMPs and 6 completed NUMPs, we have identified 27.6 billion euros in investment needs. Following our support, our member cities and countries have been able to leverage 1.75 billion euros for implementation.
This year we can present more quantitative results of our work through graphs and figures throughout the report. We highlighted the many achievements in capacity development and drew lessons from the analysis of over 50 updated factsheets on MobiliseYourCity member cities and countries.

City and Country Members
Mobility planning
"Mobility planning (National Urban Mobility Policies or Investment Programme-NUMPs and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans-SUMPs) has the potential to guide urban mobility to net zero emissions by 2025"
– André Eckermann, Head of Section, Competence Centre for Energy and Transport, GIZ