WEBINAR | Invitation to participate in the Shared Mobility Rocks event - Phnom Penh session

Phnom Penh is experiencing a transitional phase, expanding outside of its administrative boundaries and growing economically. Such a phenomenon requires a global transport strategy so that Phnom Penh residents can commute easily every day.
Stakeholders involved in the topic of mobility are well aware of that and heavy infrastructures projects are in the work for mass public transit in the capital. However, a transport network also requires other transport modes that are complementary to mass public transit.
Why would residents walk to the next Skytrain station 500m from their place when they can just use their motorcycle straight away when leaving their homes? Even more in South-East Asia than anywhere else in the world, mobility initiatives need to be Simple. Convenient. Cheap. What if in the future, mass public transit were to be connected, coordinated, complementary to shared-mobility initiatives in Phnom Penh?
Shared-mobility. What is it exactly? It is the shared use of a vehicle (bicycle, scooter, car, etc) that provides users with short-time access to these modes of transport when needed.
It is sustainable since it requires fewer vehicles on the road, and even more sustainable if the vehicles are powered by an electric engine.
Shared mobility solutions are great for those short trips within the city and are complementary to mass public transport solutions made for longer trips.
On 4th March (10 am – 12 pm ICT), join us in the Shared Mobility Rocks event (organized by Autodelen.net & Taxistop) to foresee the future of sustainable mobility in Phnom Penh but also in the ASEAN region. See what the private sector has in store in terms of innovation. Meet and discuss remotely with people making mobility more sustainable!
To join us, super easy!
• Go to the following website
• In the registration form, choose the 9th session Studio Phnom Penh
• Get free tickets for this live stream event!
• See you remotely on 4th March