The Future of Metro SYSTRA & Usbk & Rica

Les futurs du métro - Vus par SYSTRA et Usbek & Rica
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Tools & Methodologies
CHEVRE Antoine
Transport Team Leader
Urban Mobility Plans – National Approaches and Local Practice
The Sustainable Urban Transport Technical Document #13 published by GIZ reviews approaches for Urban Mobility Plans (UMP) from various countries and showcases a growing number of examples calling for a shift away from the traditional, infrastructure-oriented approach towards sustainable and people-oriented planning. The paper’s intension is to support local policy-makers and planners in shaping urban mobility planning processes and policies in an effective and inclusive manner.
Download the publication ‘Urban Mobiliy Plans – National Approaches and Local Practices’ and find more information on the SUTP Website, including a Spanisch, Portuguese, Chinese and Indonesian version of the publication and additional information and publications on sustainable urban transport.