TUMI’s 5 Principles to Empower Women in Transport
TUMI’s 5 Principles to Empower Women in Transport
- Gender
MobiliseYourCity Partnership
To scale and facilitate the capacity-building process, MobiliseYourCity developed a full catalogue of training materials, encapsulating the most important knowledge about Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning.
We worked together with implementing partners (the Agence Française de Développement and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), Knowledge and Network partners (ADEME, Cerema and ITDP) and consultancies (egis, ifeu and Transitec) developing SUMPs worldwide to identify and put together the most important trainings and topics that are commonly addressed when developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
The training catalogue consists of individual training modules, each dealing with a specific topic related to the SUMP process. The training catalogue also addresses specific issues that need to be integrated in a SUMP but that do not refer to the planning methodology themselves, such as the trainings ‘Linking land-use and transport planning’, ‘Integrating gender into SUMPs’, ‘Paratransit contracting schemes’, ‘Financing active transport’, among others.
If you are interested in accessing our training materials, please get in contact with the MobiliseYourCity Secretariat for any level of support: contact@mobiliseyourcity.net