Guadalajara SUMP approval: A comprehensive vision towards 2040

The Guadalajara SUMP was unanimously approved on November 27, in a session of the Metropolitan Coordination Board. 

MobiliseYourCity's Comprehensive Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is presented as a crucial tool to transform mobility in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG). This plan, developed with the support of the European Union and aligned with other instruments such as POTmet, seeks to improve connectivity, road safety and accessibility, prioritising sustainable modes of transport.

The SUMP was prepared by Imeplan with the support of the European Union through the Euroclima+ program and its implementer, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ Mexico). In addition, it had the collaboration of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety and the AMIM Agency. This international support has been instrumental in creating a robust and well-informed plan, which addresses local challenges and aligns with global sustainability and road safety best practices and goals.

The plan establishes five main objectives, 18 key goals, eight strategic axes and 56 specific measures. Among the most outstanding goals are to achieve 100% coverage in the public transport system and to reduce deaths from road accidents as much as possible. This plan is the roadmap for solving mobility challenges in the AMG.

One of the most significant innovations of the plan is creating a base map to expand and improve public transport coverage in the region. In addition, the homologation of speed limits is contemplated, an essential measure to prevent crashes and strengthen road safety.

The plan offers a comprehensive vision towards the year 2040. If strategies for a modal shift towards sustainable means of transport are not prioritised, it is expected that 148 kilometres of roads will be collapsed by traffic. The plan is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, highlighting its focus on sustainability and road safety. In addition, the initiative is supported by international programs such as Euroclima+, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ Mexico) and the Bloomberg Initiative for Road Safety. 
Beyond transportation, the plan also promotes citizen participation. During the same session in which the plan was presented, the call for the 6th generation of the Metropolitan Citizen Council was approved. This council seeks to strengthen citizen participation in urban development and mobility decision-making.
With the plan's approval, the AMG takes a firm step towards consolidating more efficient, safe and sustainable mobility, benefiting millions of inhabitants and laying the foundations for a more connected and resilient region.
