The Future of Metro SYSTRA & Usbk & Rica

Les futurs du métro - Vus par SYSTRA et Usbek & Rica
- Bus & other Rolling Stock
- Others
Reports & Case Studies
MobiliseYourCity Partnership
This document describes the protocol for the use of the Mobilise Your City Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Calculator (hereafter MYC Calculator) based on local information.
Mobilise Your City Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Calculator (hereafter MYC Calculator) based on the local information made available by the information made available by the Roads and Urban Transport Programme of the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (SECTRA), the Illustrious Municipality of Antofagasta (IMA) and the Regional Government of Antofagasta, especially the Regional Planning and Development Division (DIPLAR). The calculator is made available as a resource for the estimation of a GHG emissions inventory, and for the evaluation and GHG emissions inventory, and for the evaluation and monitoring of the climate impact of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Policy (SUMP) supported by the
Policy (SUMP) supported by Euroclima+.