Electric bus fleet in Barbados

On August 2020, Barbados took the lead in the Caribbean region with the deployment of 33 electric buses and the installation of all necessary infrastructure such as charging stations, spare parts, and the upgrades required to the existing facilities. The contract included an extensive training program including not just the drivers, but technicians, fire service personnel, ambulance service personnel and existing partners of the Transport Board such as UCAL and the Barbados Defence Force personnel preparing the country for large-scale deployment.
In this session, we will talk with Lynda L. Holder, Chief Operation Officer of the Transport Board, the bus transport service provider in Barbados. She will present the electric bus project in Barbados, how it was designed, decided and deployed; as well as the vision of the Transport Board towards the future.
Tuesday 8 Dec, 2020
10:00 am (Panama City Time)
Session in English
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