Behind the scenes of the Latin American Community of Practice

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Platform in Latin America MobiliseYourCity/EUROCLIMA+ emerges as a reliable and updated space to promote the conversation, creation and exchange of information on the current state of sustainable and low-emission urban mobility in the Latin American region.
It aims to bring to a common space stakeholders from the political and technical sector, specialists, authorities and decision makers related to sustainable urban mobility and interested in promoting the climate agenda in the region. To this end, the Community of Practice aims to serve as a unique window in the region that facilitates and brings together information, data, tools, methodologies and publications, case studies and best practices that enable both national and local governments to empower, plan and implement strategies for better urban mobility in their territories.
This Community of Practice, converge various organizations interested in promoting urban mobility, knowledge and learning around it, such as the MobiliseYourCity Partnership SloCat Partnership, Sustentar Association and the Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Local Government Associations (FLACMA), under the coordination of the German Cooperation for Sustainable Development (GIZ) and with the financial support of the EUROCLIMA+ Program.
For this year 2021, MobiliseYourCity/EUROCLIMA+ Sustainable Urban Mobility Platform in Latin America plans to reinforce its actions to generate spaces and activities to bring together people, initiatives and actors from different sectors with common interests. In addition to opportunities for collaboration with allied organizations or with mutual purposes in the promotion of sustainable mobility. All this supported by the knowledge platform on the MobiliseYourCity website and the social platform, as a fundamental piece for the generation of regional community identity.
We will continue to offer virtual knowledge, through webinars and training workshops and online courses with which we will strengthen local capacities in governments, creating a common understanding to address climate change in the transport sector, providing knowledge for the design and implementation of projects.
We want to know and learn more about what is happening in the region, we will put special effort in making a call to local practices, in order to promote the exchange of experiences and the creation of our own knowledge it is necessary to know what Latin American cities are doing.
We seek to take advantage of the benefits offered by virtuality, we will offer an intersectoral and multilevel dialogue on the following topics: e-mobility, NUMPs and SUMPs, sustainable and intermodal active mobility.
Stay connected with us and participate in the Community of Practice and in the spaces that we will be offering and disseminating through our social networks. Find us on Facebook and Twitter