Reports & Case Studies

  • Micromobility
  • Micromobility
  • Micromobility

Desbloquear las oportunidades para integrar la micromovilidad y el transporte público (ITDP)

MobiliseYourCity Partnership


Strategies how cities can integrate micromobility and pre-existing public transit systems

Micromobility is an important tool on the pathway to more affordable, efficient, and low-carbon cities. When referring to vehicles of the micromobile category this typically means that the devices are operating at speeds below 25 km/h. They can be human-powered or electric, shared or personally owned, and are considered ideal for trips up to 10 km.

Despite the fact that micromobile devices offer an attractive alternative to motorized vehicles for shorter trips, micromobility and its integration with other transport modes has not been a priority. Since the explosion of privately operated shared micromobility in 2017, cities have rather opted to strictly regulate micromobility. This restrictive attitude changed with the COVID-19 pandemic, as cities have been forced to adapt their transportation networks to minimize physical contact - in this context, micromobility has emerged as a critical mode for moving people and goods.

Hence this report explores strategies that cities can employ to integrate micromobility and pre-existing public transit systems. It is available in Spanish and English. 

Access the full report via the link below!

Maximizing Micromobility
Maximizing Micromobility

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