Reports & Case Studies

  • NUMP
Asia -  Thailand

Desarrollo de un Programa Nacional de Movilidad Urbana (NUMP) para Tailandia

Musil Clément

Programme Manager - MobiliseYourCity Asia


Development of a National Urban Mobility Programme - an Inventory and Assessment of National Urban Mobility in Thailand

Finalized in November 2019, this report provides an inventory of urban mobility systems in Thailand as well as an inventory of national and urban mobility planning. The aim of this document is to provide a basis upon which a National Urban Mobility Programme (NUMP) could be developed.

This document provides a diagnostic assessment of urban mobility and how it is planned to identify an urban mobility programme that should overcome many of the urban mobility issues faced in Thailand today.

The development of a NUMP for Thailand is a project of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in collaboration with the Thai Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP).

Access the NUMP for Thailand here.

NUMP for Thailand prepared by GIZ and OTP


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