
  • SUMP
  • NUMP
  • GHG Emissions & MRV

Video tutorial para la calculadora de emisiones Mobilize YourCity

Vemuri Sasank

Coordinator, MobiliseYourCity Partnership


The four videos in this tutorial series accompany the viewer though the MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator


The MobiliseYourCity Emission Calculator belongs to the core set of tools that we offer cities and countries to help prepare, implement and monitor mobility solutions that aim to both improve mobility for their citizens while tacking the global climate crisis.

To help use the Calculator, which can be found here, we have a series of video tutorial that take you deeper into the tool one step at a time.

Video 1: Understanding the basics of the MobiliseYourCity Emission Calculator

Video 2: Modeling the GHG inventory and business as usual scenario

Video 3: Modeling the climate or SUMP scenario   

Video 4: Expert options for making the most of the calculator


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